You are excited about your home program and you want to put things in place with your child right away! Unfortunately, sometimes getting all of the materials that you need to start working can be costly. You want to put together your Magic Therapy Bag of materials, order puzzles and get together that first list of essential items. While you’re getting together the items that you need, you can also start walking around your home and collecting materials that you probably already have that can also double as awesome (& simple!) therapy tools. These are my favorite everyday therapy tools for your home program.
My favorite therapy tools that you probably already have in your home :
1. Children’s books. Work on building vocabulary skills and attention span by reach a bedtime story each night before sleep.
2. Cotton balls. Try this fun cotton balls and clothespins fine motor activity.
3. Flowers in flower pots. Gardening is a wonderful functional activity to build everyday skills while creating somethinf beautiful.
4. Papers, markers & stickers. Drawing and coloring build fine motor skills and are a wonderful way to increase concentration and attention span.
5. Ziploc bags. Hide a favorite toy in a closed Ziploc bag and have your child open the bag using both hands. This increase fine motor strength and precision as well as perseverence.
6. Seashells. Make a sensory box out of sand and seashells and engage your child in some beach-themed sensory play.
7. Mason jars. Hide a small toy in a mason jar. Have you child turn to open the lid. This is another great way to increase fine motor skills.
8. A dustpan, brush and dried beans. Have your child “sweep” the dried beans into the dustpan using the brush. This is a functional learning activity.
9. A plastic bottle & pompoms. Invite your child to pick up pompoms using their pincer grasp and put them in the bottle. This is a fun fine motor skill building activity.
10. Dried rice, pasta & lentils. These 3 materials are super for creating sensory boxes for your little one.
11. Family photo albums. Photos of your family adventures are a great tool for building vocabulary, conversation skills (retelling past events, storytelling & making comments) and just having a wonderful time reliving family memories!
Have you tried these items at home with your child? I would love to hear about it in the comments! ♥
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