I love vintage toys, so you can imagine my excitement when Fisher Price decided to re-release several of their vintage toys as “Fisher Price Classics”. Interactive toys are extremely important for children’s brain development – pushing, pulling, cause and effect activities – all lead to better brain development and increased cognitive skills.
At Le Chemin ABA, I mix old with new – classic wooden toys and the latest technology. I love seeing a child’s face light up when he or she “figures out” a new game – using the wooden hammer to tap the ball into the hole will make the dog jump out, putting the pacifier in the baby’s mouth will stop the baby from crying, turning the metal knob will make the Jack-in-the-Box jump out. These toys never lose their appeal and remain classic favorites – played with again and again and again, provoking giggles and excitement every time.
Feel Grafix
One of the all time favorite toys at Le Chemin ABA is the Fisher-Price Little People See n’ Say toy. This toy is a newer version of a classic toy. It sings, labels animals and plays all kinds of fun animal sounds. I often use it work on requesting. The child says “music” and then he or she can pull the lever and play the song. We also repeat animal names and sounds. It is also a great social activity : a small group of children can play with, and listen to, it together.
I have several Fisher Price Classics toys on my wishlist for the kiddos at my learning center. These have become very popular in France as well, although they are difficult to come by here and can mostly be found in trendy home design stores in the marais!
My favorites from the Fisher Price Classics collection are the cash register, the chatter telephone
and the picture disk camera
The cash register is wonderful for working on new vocabulary, fine motor skills (pushing the lever requires hand strength and precise fine motor skills!) and taking turns.
The chatter telephone is great for working on symbolic play skills, taking turns in a conversation and building imagination.
The picture disk camera is a beautiful toy for working on requesting, following instructions and building concentration.
Most importantly, these toys promise hours of good, old-fashioned, learning FUN! ♥
Have you tried any of these classic toys with your child? Have you saved toys that you played with as a child that have now been passed on to your children? I want to hear about them in the comments below! ⇓
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