Looking to decrease hyperactive behavior? These 8 tips can help!

1. Decrease hyperactive behavior using movement.
Get your child moving to decrease hyperactive behavior. Even if you are doing a home program and spending a lot of time inside with your little one, there are lots of movement activities you can do right in your home (even in a small space).
Related : Try these 6 awesome yoga poses for children with special needs.
2. Decrease hyperactive behavior by focusing on nutrition.
Your child’s hyperactive behavior may be the result of a reaction to preservatives in food, too much sugar or even a gluten (or other) intolerance.
Related : If your child follows a gluten free diet, or if you are thinking of starting one, check out this list of this gluten free foods list and these 18 gluten free snacks for kids with autism.
3. Decrease hyperactive behavior by keeping busy as a family.
Go to the post and find a fun family activity to do today!
Increased physical activity is essential for calming children who have a tendency towards hyperactivity.
Related : Choose one of these fun family outdoor activities to do today.
4. Decrease hyperactive behavior using sensory boxes.
Homemade sensory boxes are one of my favorite therapy tools for kids with autism. We use them all the time at my learning center as a fun calming activity.
Related : These are my 25 favorite sensory box ideas.
5. Decrease hyperactive behavior using visual schedules.
Hyperactivity can be caused by a lack of structure and understanding of daily activities. A visual schedule can help! Use a photo to represent each activity of the day, a session or a particular daily routine (such as meal times) to help explain the sequence of events and activity requirements to your child.
Related : Get your free printable visual schedule photos and learn how to use them in this post.
6. Decrease hyperactive behavior by adding music to your day.
Music can having a calming effect and help calm children (and adults) who are prone to hyperactivity. I love playing classical music during my individual and groups sessions in my center.
7. Decrease hyperactive behavior by employing calm down strategies.
There are several strategies you can use to help focus your child’s energy.
Related : These 10 calm down strategies are easy and effective.
8. Decrease hyperactive behavior by using fidgets!
Fidgets are a great calming tool and can also be successful in helping children with hyperactivity focus their energy.
Related : make your own DIY fidgets with these easy tips.
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