Color matching eggs & pompoms for kids with autism. I love this activity to teach kids with autism to match colors.
This activity is simple and fun!
Color matching eggs & pompoms for kids with autism : materials you will need. (You only need 2 materials!)
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- Fillable plastic colored Easter eggs.
- Colored pompoms.
Why your child will love this activity :
- It’s quick & easy! (Sometimes we ask our kids to do long, drawn-out activities. This one is fast, fun and manageable for your little one.)
- It’s colorful! (In my experience, I have seen that kids with autism tend to be attracted to bright colors and love engaging with materials that are colorful.)
- The eggs open & close which adds an element of surprise to the game. (You can close the eggs and your child can open them to find each pompom. This will add an extra, surprise element of fun to this color matching activity!)
Setting up this color matching eggs & pompoms for kids with autism activity :
Setting this activity up is simple! Just place the eggs in front of your child on the table. If this activity is difficult for your child at first, you could start with just one egg in front of your child and one pompom. Increase, little by little, to having the 3 eggs in front of your child. Hand him or her one pompom at a time and say “match!”.
Teaching your child to match the eggs & pompoms :
Guide your child as necessary to do the activity.
Next steps :
This activity can be used to work on a variety of skills with your little one!
If your child has learned to match the colored pompoms to the colored eggs, you can begin working on different skills.
Other skills you can teach using this activity :
- Ask your child to label each color. Hold up a pompom or an egg and ask “what color is this?” to work on labeling colors.
- Ask your child to show you an egg or a pompom of a specific color by asking “show me the red egg!” to work on receptive language with your child.
- Working on counting by asking your child to count all of the eggs and all of the pompoms.
I really hope you love this color matching eggs & pompoms for kids with autism. The kids have had a lot of fun doing this activity at my learning center and I’m so excited for you to try it in your progress nook too!
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