FILL THE FRIDGE! This free printable food matching activity is a great way work on new vocabulary, following instructions and colors. Printable Food Matching Activity This is such a fun activity! We are working on it with the children at my learning center for kids with autism in Paris. This engaging activity is easy to prepare and…
Autism and sign language : teach your child to ask for what he wants
Autism and sign language : a powerful way to teach your child to communicate. Does your child have trouble communicating his or her wants and needs? Does this create frustration and stress at home? Sign language may help! Autism and sign language : teach your child to request with these 7 steps. Autism and sign…
Easy farm animals matching activity
Children with autism tend to be very visual learners. Visual support is often similarly effective with learners with different types of special needs. This easy farm animals matching activity teaches special needs learners to match photos and objects while working on new vocabulary skills. I created this easy farm animals matching activity using my favorite farm…
Speech therapy resources for home from Meet Penny
Have you met Penny? Meet Penny is a wonderful blog that help families learn to budget to get more out of life. Tabitha, the owner of the blog, shares many useful tips from feeding a family on a budget as well as other money saving ideas. But wait, who is Penny?! Well, I guess you’ll just…
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