I have been journaling my whole life. Personally, I believe that keeping a journal is a wonderful way to get ideas – both positive and fearful – out on paper and help to process them. Journaling as a couple is very valuable too.
As special needs parents, you and your spouse are constantly living on a roller coaster of up and down emotions. You celebrate the wins no matter how small (a meal without a breakdown, independent dressing, a positive report from school, your child getting into bed on time, first words, to name a few) and you feel the difficulties (problems at school, challenging behaviors, lack of communication, etc.). You and your spouse need to stay strong to deal with these challenges, support each other and to help your child move forward in his or her learning goals.
Journaling as a couple is a fantastic way to stay united and strong.
This activity can take many forms and it is up to you to decide how you and your spouse will use journaling as a couple to strengthen your bond, deal with daily challenges, find solutions and increase your general happiness together.
I have some ideas to get you started!
Take turns asking each other the following questions and write down your responses. I suggest starting with positive questions so that you the general tone of your activity together is happy and calm.
1/ What was the best moment we shared as a family today?
2/ What did I do today to make you feel loved and appreciated?
3/ What makes you feel loved and appreciated by our kids?
By now, this journaling as a couple activity and your conversation, will be full of love good feelings and positive energy.
Once you have this information jotted down in your journal, get to work on some of the emotions that are a little more difficult to handle.
4/ What was the most difficult moment we shared as a family today?
5/ How did we respond to this situation individually and together?
6/ How can we better support each other the next time we have this type of situation?
7/ How can we help our child with specific goals and particular steps to achieve those goals?
I would love to hear from you. Do you keep a journal? How has it helped you? Have you kept a journal as a couple? How has it helped your relationship?
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