A scavenger hunt is a really fun way to keep your kids occupied while also building language skills. Use this activity to teach vocabulary, receptive language and sight words. Most importantly, have a lot of fun! Use these steps to set up an easy scavenger hunt at home. Looking for more printable autism activities? Get your copy of the Autism Activities Workbook Bundle!
Get your free printable living room scavenger hunt!
To start, download your free printable Living Room Scavenger Hunt. You can print it out and use it to work on basic vocabulary in your living room with your child.
Get your copy of the Autism Activities Workbook Bundle!
How to use the printable scavenger hunt
Depending on your child’s age and skills, you can print out the scavenger hunt and have your child look for each item solo. Otherwise, you could look for the items together.
I created the printable scavenger hunt with real photos which makes it easier for young kids, and kids with language difficulties to find each item.
You can use the printable in several different ways!
Activity 1
Have your child look for each item and call out the name of the item to build vocabulary skills.
Related : How to Teach an Autistic Child to Speak
Activity 2
Call out the name of the item and have your child go find it and point to it to build receptive language skills.
Get your copy of the Autism Activities Workbook Bundle!
Activity 3
Go on a treasure hunt together to look for each item to play a fun game that also promotes social interaction skills.
Activity 4
If you have more than one child, have them set out to do the activity together!
Don’t forget to print out your free printable living room scavenger hunt
Get your copy of the Autism Activities Workbook Bundle!
More activities to do with kids at home
- Watch videos of famous actors reading kids books
- Do kids yoga
- Use this bundle of autism activity workbooks to build communication, fine motor, sensory and life skills, while decreasing difficult behaviors with autistic learners.
- Enjoy Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems!
- 25 Indoor Family Fun Activities
More Autism Resources
- The Successful Interaction with a Child with Autism Course – learn to better understand your autistic child or students with this complete course.
- Autism Activities Workbook Bundle – build communication skills, fine motor skills, sensory play skills and daily living skills, while helping your child or students to successfully manage any difficult behaviors, with these fun, educational, printable activities.
- Autism Activities Vault – your collection of 420+ autism activities for the entire school year.
- Sensory Communication Workbook – Build communication skills with simple sensory activities.
- How to Make a Communication Binder Guide & Workbook – Learn how to create a Communication Binder for your child or student with autism using real photos. Follow my expert guide to learn how to use it to increase communication skills.
- Autism Adapted Books Bundle – build communication skills with my collection of printable adapted books for autistic learners.
- Autism Social Stories Bundle – a collection of printable social stories to help your little learners work on their social skills.
- Zoo Animals Play Dough Mats Bundle – use these printable play dough mat to work on the names of the animals, build language skills, and increase fine motor strength and precision in a fun, sensory way!
Printable Scavenger Hunt for Your Living Room
Enjoy this fun, printable activity at home!
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