Easy origami for building fine motor skills.
Hi friends! I am always on the lookout for new activities to help build fine motor skills with my little learners at my center. Recently, I have been using origami to build fine motor skills with the special needs kids I teach.
Folding origami is a creative and unusual way to build your child’s fine motor skills. In this post, you will find 3 easy and effective ways to build your child’s fine motor skills and have lots of origami making fun.
If these origami instructions are too difficult for your little learner, don’t worry! You can simply guide him or her to fold a sheet of paper once down the middle or twice (down the middle and down the middle a second time). This is a great way to get started using origami as a fine motor skills building activity before you start focusing on actually producing any kind of specific form or shape.
Once your child has started to get a hang of it, you can use origami for building fine motor skills while making a star box, a house and a swan together.
Create a dazzling star box!
These instructions to create an origami star box are from Nick Robinson.
Create a beautiful house!
These instructions to create an origami house are from Sarah’s Origami.
Create a gorgeous origami swan!
I also love collecting books that teach children how to make origami. Using origami for building fine motor skills is one of my favorite learning activities so I created a little collection of books at my center around the subject.
These are my favorite books if you’d like to add one or more to your book collection too!
Origami for Children by Mari & Roshin Ono
Easy Butterfly Origami by Tammy Yee
(I have included Amazon affiliate links for your convenience. You can read our disclosures here.)
Happy folding and let me know how you and your child enjoy it! ♥
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